Tuesday, June 9, 2009

More about Hormones

Symptoms of low hormone levels are vast. There are over 20 hormones produced by the adrenal glands alone. People often know about the symptoms of menopause, hot flashes, dry skin, bad sleep, palpitations, anxiety, vaginal dryness, hair loss, low sex drive and many others. But some symptoms are not so well known. Quite often, people will experience muscle aches and pains. Besides menopause, many conditions have something to do with hormone imbalances. Weight issues, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, even Alzheimers can respond to bio-identical hormone therapy.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Emotional Healing

Today I've been thinking about the concept of thinking about something versus feeling it. My experience on spiritual path has been that we can think of things or conceptualize them, but we don't really get anywhere with them unless we feel them. Life provides us with opportunities to feel things every day. What we do with those experiences determines our ability to heal from them.
By reading about things, and studying them, we learn how they work mentally. That's a valuable thing to do, it gets us ready when an experience comes along. When you have an emotional experience, you may not remember that you read something about how to move past old traumas. It takes practice and awareness to become calm enough in the middle of an emotional storm to stop and find the healing.

Lets say that you married a man who's just like your dad. When you were a child, you felt unsupported in certain ways by your dad. Then you married your dad and found him to be just as unsupportive. You get angry and think it has something to do with your husband. Perhaps he didn't pay the bills on time this month. The anger is really about what happened to you as a child. The healing comes when you can see that and be able to move to a place of forgiveness with your husband.


Monday, June 1, 2009

20/30/50 Healing Path

Whenever a person has a physical problem, you can break it down into the various components to think about treatment. 20% of any problem can be treated with physical modalities, such as seeing a doctor, having acupuncture, or chiropractic, or taking a medication. 30% of that problem or condition can be dealt with using lifestyle modifications, things like exercise, foods you eat, and supplements you take. A full 50% of the problem resides in the emotional/spiritual aspects. Dealing with the emotional/spiritual self can help you bring about healing in many parts of your life, but that might be difficult. We have a hard time seeing our selves from that perspective. Quite often our views about things get skewed in relation to looking at other people and what they are doing. By allowing that 50% of all conditions have this component, you can actually move to the 20% and deal with it there. (more)