Monday, April 13, 2009

About Dr. Shiroko

Shiroko Sokitch graduated from University of Washington School of Medicine in 1984 and the Northwest Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in Seattle, WA in 1990. She did two years of a general surgery residency at Swedish Hospital in Seattle before deciding that the surgeon�s way of life was not for her. While attending acupuncture school and starting her alternative medical career, she practiced as an emergency medical physician for ten years. Since 1993, she has owned and operated Heart to Heart to Heart Medical Center, a complementary medical center in Santa Rosa, CA with her business partner Jason Liles. Since January of 2000, she has also written an alternative medical advice column in the Healdsburg, Windsor, and Sebastopol newspapers.

Shiroko Sokitch, MD, is an unusual physician in that she is able to provide a comprehensive blend of treatments including Chinese and western medicine. Since opening Heart to Heart Medical Center in Santa Rosa 14 years ago, she has become an expert at using many modalities to bring the body to balance and wholeness.

In her office, she specializes in listening closely so that she understands your health concerns and is able to guide you to finding the best treatments. In addition to acupuncture, she works with craniosacral therapy, herbs, nutritional supplements, specific diagnostic tests, exercise and diet to help you find the best balance for your body. Her extensive understanding of the spiritual/emotional connection to your physical problems will help you to heal at a greater depth with more lasting results.

There is no one size fits all medicine here. Each person is an individual with unique responses to treatment and each needs a personalized approach. With Shiroko�s 100 Percent Healing approach, you will learn about each element of your healing path.

If you have questions about any health concerns, Shiroko will spend time with you to help you understand it and find your way to wholeness.

An initial visit is 1 and a half hours long and includes a thorough evaluation of your health from the Chinese and western philosophies. She will provide you with a plan for addressing each issue and give you instructions for helping yourself with diet and exercise, herbs and supplements as well as ideas for treatments. If acupuncture is suggested, her techniques are painless and relaxing. Further testing might be recommended to understand hormone levels, digestive function or neurotransmitter levels among other possibilities. Once you have decided to work with Shiroko, she is your partner in healing. You can access her via email, or her cell phone to get answers to your questions.

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